I enjoy automating labor-intensive lab processes into efficient, user-friendly workflows. I program systems composed of many lab instruments to carry out complex and labor-intensive workflows. I also build software tools in the form of web and desktop apps to help make the day to day easier for laboratory operators. I’m also very interested in data science, I enjoy analyzing data to get better insights and make informed decisions.

I truly enjoy building tools that automate tedious and repetitive tasks with an emphasis on ease of use and customer satisfaction. I would like to join a team where I can continue doing this while learning and expanding my knowledge of software.


Languages: C#, Python, R, JavaScript.

Frameworks: .NET CORE, .NET Framework, Windows Forms, React, Python Flask, FastAPI, R Shiny.

Others: Docker, Gitlab Pipelines, CI/CD, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux shell.

Data Analysis: JMP, Spotfire.


Science Corporation. Alameda, CA. Mar 2020-Present

Senior Automation Engineer, Automation.

  • Building lab automation software to help developer the next generation of brain computer interfaces.

Amyris Inc. Emeryville, CA. Mar 2020-Nov 2023

Senior Automation Engineer, Automation.

Automation Engineer 2, Automation.

Automation Engineer 1, Automation.

  • Supported essential web apps for the High throughput screening department.
  • Built automation web dashboard hosting data for over 20 lab systems. Over 50,000 events have been captured to date and this tool is now essential in our day-to-day troubleshooting and quality control. This web interface has decreased troubleshooting time by half and increases transparency between automation and our user groups.
  • Built a ticketing UI that allows operators to easily submit a JIRA ticket, tag a system, attach an error event associated to their request and ultimately track their ticket’s progress and resolution.
  • Standardized and developed 10+ drivers written in C# for third party lab instrumentations.
  • Contributed to multiple ‘Software Build Cycles/Sprints’ on migrating deprecated Python 2 LIMS to Python 3.
  • Migrated deprecated host running a ‘Shiny Server’ instance from old ubuntu server to latest release and fully Dockerized the project, allowing for faster and more robust development and deployment of Amyris’ Shiny apps.
  • Built and deployed the C# framework and extensions used by our lab systems to upload robot events to a centralized database table with flexible data storage.
  • Built data dashboards for multiple projects.
  • Large data manipulation and inferential analysis in R.
  • Developed and modified C# plugins and drivers for Green Button Go scheduling software.
  • Created and maintained Amyris’ automation C# library. A library that holds classes and methods for all automation shared functionality. Eg. Data uploader, data parsers, plate and well classes, event uploaders, email classes, etc.
  • Lead documentation effort across the team. Evaluated different platforms and strongly advocated for better documentation efforts within the team. Ultimately, going from no documentation or ad-hoc documentation to a central documentation site (Confluence).
  • Implemented better coding practices across different integrated automation systems.
  • Integrated CI Gitlab workflows to our code development pipeline.

Demetrix. Berkeley, CA. Jul 2019-Mar 2020

Senior Process Engineer, High Throughput Process engineering

  • Built automated R scripts with analysis and visuals of correlation between plate and tank conditions to find which factors best predict tank performance.
  • Wrote sample tracking scripts, data parsers and data visualization tools.
  • Contributed to the company’s F# code base in the form of data parsers and sample hierarchy visualization tools.
  • Plate model development lead. From DOE, execution, data analysis and communicating findings.
  • Mentored and helped fellow scientists on writing Python and R code for data analysis.

Amyris Inc. Emeryville, CA. Sep 2016-Jul 2019

Associate Scientist III, HTS

  • Author of multiple web applications that help the day-to-day lab operations. These apps became essential to the day to day of lab operators in the HTS lab.
    • Real Time Process Tracker: This tool led to a significant reduction in processing errors, and an increase in efficiency and transparency among stakeholders.
    • Label generators: removed the need to manually write on samples, decreasing RSI risk and potential human errors.
    • Real time UI that tracks the state of over 18 shakers/incubators using Python Flask.
    • Sample Re-prep web app: Tracks submission of cross-department sample re-prep requests using Python Flask.
    • Process Control Charts: A web UI that allows you to keep track of process control data.


University of California, Davis.

Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Relevant Courses

  • Practical Machine Learning with R - UC Berkeley Extension.
  • Data Science Principles and Practice – UC Berkeley Extension.
